The North State Public Radio signal in Redding, at 88.9 FM, is off air because a lightning strike at the antennae site atop Shasta Bally knocked out electronic equipment in the building housing its transmitter. This also affects NSPR transmitters in Mt. Shasta, Dunsmuir and Burney, which rebroadcast the Redding signal.
Power to the transmitter site was knocked out over Labor Day weekend. PG&E restored service to the top of the mountain by Monday, but the building that houses NSPR’s equipment didn’t come back online. It was determined that a lightning hit caused extensive damage to the electrical system inside the building.
It’s estimated that the signal will not be back on air for a week.
The lone dirt road on the mountain, controlled by the National Park Service, is in disrepair from fires, erosion, flooding and downed trees. It’s unpassable at the moment to all but the most heavy-duty four-wheel drive vehicles.
Shasta Bally and the broadcast equipment at the summit burned up in the 2018 Carr Fire. The site landlord has contacted the company that rebuilt the site after the fire to investigate and repair the building as soon as possible.
Sadly, that means we’re off air until all the repairs are completed.
NSPR carries live audio streaming of all programming that Redding listeners can access until the over-the-air signal is repaired.
Thank you for your patience.