This is NSPR’s new weekday show about the local and regional effects of COVID-19 in the North State. Listen each weeknight Mon-Fri at 6:30 p.m. NSPR will continue this special coverage as long as our community needs it. Our mission with this show is to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19 in our region.
Tonight, we hear from the Small Business Administration about what options are available to business owners who continue to see their storefronts shut. We’ll also answer some of the questions you’ve submitted this week and we hear from a Chico State librarian and archivist who's asking you to become a COVID-19 diarist and document your experience during this pandemic.
Don’t forget, we want to hear from you, leave us a question or comment on our message line 433-9216 or you can use our question form.
For Monday, March 30, 2020, this is special coverage from North State Public Radio.