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NSPR aims to bring you accurate and comprehensive fire coverage in the North State. Here you will find all of our fire updates and stories.Our staff will not be providing updates on wildfires overnight. You can stay updated on the latest information by tracking and monitoring fires on social media. To ensure you're alerted if there is an emergency in your area, sign up for emergency alerts in your county, and always have an emergency kit ready to go in case of an evacuation.

Interview With Lisa Krieger: Why Fires Are Getting Worse And Much Of The North State Is At High Risk

Map used courtesy of Cal Fire

Lisa Krieger

On Sunday, The Mercury News published "Homes in the fire zone: Risk growing as more people move to once rural regions,” which was reported by Lisa Krieger and delved into why California’s fire seasons seem to be getting worse, and why large areas once thought nearly immune from such risks are now recognized as quite vulnerable. 

Northern California was mentioned as having many at risk communities. This included the entire City of Chico that is considered to be in the Wildland Urban Interface, defined as where homes are built near or among lands prone to wildfire. 

North State Public Radio’s Marc Albert spoke with Lisa Krieger about her story.

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