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Butte County Public Health says it’s time to get your flu shot

Flu season is upon us. Butte County Public Health says getting a flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and others from the virus.
Flu season is upon us. Butte County Public Health says getting a flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and others from the virus.

Health officials say getting your annual flu shot and the latest COVID-19 vaccine is the most effective way to prevent potentially serious respiratory illness.

While flu and other respiratory illnesses spike every fall and winter, last year, the Butte County Public Health Department (BCPH) said cases of flu, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and COVID spiked early last year.

The department said COVID cases in the county have currently been on the rise over the past few weeks.

BCPH said COVID vaccines are now available from some pharmacies and healthcare providers, and should be widely available by mid-October.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone six months or older get the latest COVID vaccine, particularly children, older adults and those with underlying medical conditions like diabetes, asthma and heart disease, or those who are pregnant.

Most health insurance will cover the cost of flu and COVID vaccinations, and they’re also available at no cost at the health department clinic.

The department said other preventatives include masking, frequent hand-washing and covering your mouth when you sneeze. They also say to stay home if you’re sick so you don’t risk infecting others, and that it’s important to take a COVID test if you’re ill, as early treatment can greatly reduce the effects of the virus.

Ken came to NSPR through the back door as a volunteer, doing all the things that volunteers do. Almost nothing – nothing -- in his previous work experience suggests that he would ever be on public radio.