Blue Dot

Blue Dot 51: The March For Science

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March For Science

Scientists are concerned and for good reason. Scientific evidence for things like climate change and vaccinations is increasingly being questioned and undermined. Governmental science agencies like the EPA are having their budgets cut and missions changed as Washington adapts to a new administration under Donald Trump. Scientists around the country and the world will be marching for the values of the scientific method – reasoning from evidence to uncover the truth.

Dave Schlom is the longtime host and creator of Blue Dot. From surfing to Voyager in interstellar space, rock guitar to orcas in our imperiled oceans, the topics on Blue Dot are as varied as the host’s interests and connections -- which are pretty limitless! An internationally respected space history journalist, Dave is also deeply fascinated by all aspects of the grand workings of nature’s awesome machinery on scales ranging from galactic to subatomic. And topics take in all aspects of the arts and sciences.