Blue Dot

Blue Dot 95: Surf's Up!

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Frank Quiarte at Maverick's

Big Wave Dave talks surfing! Featuring a conversation between San Francisco Chronicle sportswriter Bruce Jenkins and retired NASA Oceanographer Bill Patzert, we dive deep under the swells of the world of big waves with an emphasis on Mavericks -- the biggest surf wave on the west coast located in Half Moon Bay. The conversation wraps up reminiscing about Bruce Brown's The Endless Summer and a campaign for surfer license plates as a tribute to the classic film. Mark Sponsler rides big waves like Mavericks and has a website called Stormsurf that forecasts wave conditions for surfers -- he shares his insights on waves -- what makes the perfect surfing wave? We also talk to Surfer Magazine staff photographer Frank Quirarte who takes his camera into the big break at Mavericks on a personal water craft and rescues surfers trapped in the cauldron of whitewater. Finally, a bonus segment listening to surf guitar and surf music with music historian and guitar collector John Biscuti.

Bonus segment with John Biscuti

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Check out this music playlist of surf music arranged by John Biscuti.

Dave Schlom is the longtime host and creator of Blue Dot. From surfing to Voyager in interstellar space, rock guitar to orcas in our imperiled oceans, the topics on Blue Dot are as varied as the host’s interests and connections -- which are pretty limitless! An internationally respected space history journalist, Dave is also deeply fascinated by all aspects of the grand workings of nature’s awesome machinery on scales ranging from galactic to subatomic. And topics take in all aspects of the arts and sciences.