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Cultivating Place: Dispatches From The Home Garden – Laura Christman And Planet Pomegranate

This week on Cultivating Place, our next in the occasional series of Dispatches from the Home Garden — this time through the lens of a regional newspaper's gardening columnist. Every region needs a paper and at least one regionally knowledgeable gardening columnist. Laura Christman was that person in Redding, California, for the many years of her long career.

She's an avid home gardener and in our conversation, we explore the meaning of gardening through this particular lens of shared stories in a given time and place.

She writes: "Perhaps you are familiar with the term 'gardening.' It is a tangle of weirdness. Turns out there's more to it than growing a lovely lawn or prolific pepper plant."

Her book "Planet Pomegranate" is a collection of columns written for the Home & Garden section of the Record Searchlight, the daily newspaper in Redding. "The pieces are a mix of conversations, observation, reflections and frustrations…..and pomegranates." Join us!

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Jennifer Jewell is the creator and host of the national award-winning, weekly public radio program and podcast, Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History & the Human Impulse to Garden, Jennifer Jewell is a gardener, garden writer, and gardening educator and advocate. Particularly interested in the intersections between gardens, the native plant environments around them, and human culture, she is the daughter of garden and floral designing mother and a wildlife biologist father.