Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden

Cultivating Place: Nature Gardens At The Natural History Museum of LA County

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In our fifth episode of our five part series on our gardens as habitat and we gardeners as powerful land stewards and biodiversity protectors, we visit a remarkable public garden in California during California Native Plant Week.


The Nature Gardens at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County are testament to just how much one garden can do to turn back time and help restore habitat even in downtown LA where once a parking lot sat barren and overheated.

We’re joined today by native plant expert and Horticulturist Carol Bornstein, Director of the Nature Gardens, and by Lila Higgins, Senior Manager of Community Science there. They will bring us up to speed on what the Nature Gardens and the habitat they provide can offer to us all.

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Nancy Wiegman has a master's degree in French linguistics from Indiana University and taught yoga and foreign languages at CSU Fresno and the College of Charleston before moving to Chico in 1990.