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Nancy's Bookshelf: Former CIA officer has a new spy thriller and NPR 's Steve Inskeep talks the role of John C. Fremont’s spouse

Former CIA officer writes a spy thriller and NPR Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep describes the role of John C. Fremont’s wife for his book, "Imperfect Union: How Jessie and John Frémont Mapped the West, Invented Celebrity, and Helped Cause the Civil War."

Also, commentator Richard Parker shares his thoughts on the War Between the States, aka the Civil War.

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Nancy Wiegman has a master's degree in French linguistics from Indiana University and taught yoga and foreign languages at CSU Fresno and the College of Charleston before moving to Chico in 1990.
Matt Fidler is a producer and sound designer with over 15 years’ experience producing nationally distributed public radio programs. He has worked for shows such as Freakonomics Radio, Selected Shorts, Studio 360, The New Yorker Radio Hour and The Takeaway. In 2017, Matt launched the language podcast Very Bad Words, hitting the #28 spot in the iTunes podcast charts.