
Saving Chinook salmon | Fire-weather terms | Newsom’s water plan

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The latest North State and California news on our airwaves for Friday, Aug. 12. 

Interview: State, tribe try to save threatened Chinook salmon

California’s winter-run Chinook salmon are a species on the brink — threatened by drought and increasingly warm waters in the Sacramento River. But bold moves are underway to try and save the species by hatching young salmon in colder waters. The state Department of Fish and Wildlife — in partnership with the Winnemem Wintu Tribe and other organizations — recently dropped about 20,000 winter-run Chinook salmon eggs into the McCloud River.

Dave Schlom, NSPR

What’s the difference between a ‘fire weather watch’ and a ‘red flag warning?’

Mountain thunderstorms with gusty winds are possible next week. The confidence is currently low for those storms, but as we move closer to fall — which is usually windier and drier — it’s a good time to start paying attention to the weather forecast and fire-weather terms to prepare for wildfire.

Ken Devol, NSPR

Activists rally at California Capitol for clean water access

Activists rallied Thursday at the state Capitol, asking lawmakers to make it easier for Californians to access clean water. They say lawmakers should approve of Senate Bill 222, which would establish a fund to help low-income residential ratepayers pay for their water.

CapRadio Staff

Newsom unveils water supply strategy, calling for more storage

Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled a new water supply strategy Thursday that focuses not only on storing, but recycling and creating more water in an increasingly hot and dry climate. Newsom’s plan calls for more above and below-ground water storage and the easing of regulations to allow quicker construction of these projects.

— CapRadio Staff

Stories from NPR partner stations are edited by NSPR Staff for digital presentation and credited as requested.

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Sarah has worked at North State Public Radio since 2015 and is currently the station’s Director of Operations. She’s responsible for the sound of the station and works to create the richest public radio experience possible for NSPR listeners.
A graduate of California State University, Chico, Andre Byik is an award-winning journalist who has reported in Northern California since 2012. He joined North State Public Radio in 2020, following roles at the Chico Enterprise-Record and Chico News & Review.
Angel Huracha has been a part of the journalism field since 2006 and has covered a range of topics. He is a graduate of Chico State with a Bachelor's degree in news-editorial and public relations with a minor in English.