The latest North State and California news on our airwaves for Friday, October 11.
In today’s episode:
- Districts across Butte County propose bond measures to fund building projects — Alec Stutson, NSPR
- The Shasta County Election Committee Chair clarifies a comment about civil unrest — Ken Devol, NSPR
- Officials expect improved weather conditions on the Shoe Fire — Adia White, NSPR
- California deploys additional help for Hurricane Milton — Angel Huracha, NSPR
The coalition hopes to raise enough funds to continue helping the local felines for another year. It is now planning its annual Moonlight Meows online auction.
In case you missed it:
- Structural damage at a Safeway in Chico causes temporary store closure — NSPR
- Chico Cat Coalition is raising funds to continue saving local cats — NSPR
- Prescribed burns planned throughout the North State as winter approaches — NSPR
- Chico asks for proposal for Park Avenue art project — NSPR
- $2M to go toward Butte County community schools — NSPR
- Hands-on prescribed fire training in Butte County this month — NSPR
- Chico airport to host open house, movie screening on the tarmac — NSPR
Headlines is published every weekday morning at 8:30 a.m. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and NPR One. Theme song Borough is courtesy of Blue Dot Sessions.