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Six years after the Camp Fire: A conversation with Scott Amick | Red Bluff church may be in legal trouble for collection of ballots | Mural honoring Deaf community to be painted at Show Love Thrift

The latest North State and California news on our airwaves for Thursday, Nov. 14.

In today’s episode: 

  • Six years after the Camp Fire: A conversation with Scott Amick from Paradise Parks and Recreation District — Ken Devol, NSPR
  • Red Bluff church may be in legal trouble for the unauthorized collection of ballots — Ken Devol, NSPR
  • Artist Valerie Rose continues to honor the Deaf community with her public art — Angel Huracha, NSPR
  • Rain could cause flash flooding near the Park Fire burn scar this season — Anthony Vasek, NSPR


A Yes on Measure H sign stands in front of a home on Broadway St. in Chico, Calif. on Nov. 12, 2024
Erik Adams / NSPR
Measure H is set to pass according to preliminary election results. If it does, more than $40 million will be generated for the general fund. Today, county supervisors discussed where the funds will go.

In case you missed it:

Headlines is published every weekday morning at 8:30 a.m. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and NPR One. Theme song Borough is courtesy of  Blue Dot Sessions.

Ken came to NSPR through the back door as a volunteer, doing all the things that volunteers do. Almost nothing – nothing -- in his previous work experience suggests that he would ever be on public radio.
Angel Huracha has been a part of the journalism field since 2006 and has covered a range of topics. He is a graduate of Chico State with a Bachelor's degree in news-editorial and public relations with a minor in English.
Anthony started his student internship with NSPR in October 2024. He is a freshman at Chico State University pursuing a Bachelor's degree in journalism.