2025 is soon on its way, and California State Parks is encouraging people to get outside.
Host Dave Schlom is joined by UC Riverside biologist and hummingbird expert Christopher Clark for a fascinating and in-depth look at the smallest birds' lives.
Host Dave Schlom is joined by Curtis Knight, Executive Director of California Trout, for an in-depth look at one of California's crown jewels, the McCloud River near Mt. Shasta.
While bats can get a bad reputation, they're actually vital for pest control and pollination in their ecosystems. To educate the public and dispel harmful myths, the Plumas Audubon Society is hosting speakers from a nonprofit devoted to bat preservation.
Host Dave Schlom is joined by Michael Poland, Scientist in Charge of the United States Geological Survey's Yellowstone Volcano Observatory.
Blue Dot takes an in-depth look at the science behind the Klamath dam removal project, one of the largest of its kind ever attempted.
Host Dave Schlom is joined by UC Riverside biologist and hummingbird expert Christopher Clark for a fascinating and in-depth look at the lives of the smallest of birds.
Host Dave Schlom visits with Dr. Joseph Parker, entomologist and beetle expert and head of the Parker Lab at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Author and wildlife tour guide Scott Huber explores the history of Yellowstone.
Rising rivers are stranding endangered riparian brush rabbits in California. Wildlife officials are searching out and relocating hundreds of them to help protect the species.