Hi. I'm Pam Geisel, Your Practical Gardener. Today we’ going to talk about a horrible terrible little tiny pest called spotted wing drosophila.So as it…
Our gardening practices directly affect our community and our environment. There are many healthy gardening habits we can adopt that will lessen our…
It's hard to believe, but the calendar says there are less than 50 days until spring. If you're at all like me, with all the welcomed winter rain, you…
It's officially winter, and one of the fun things about winter: it’s time to purchase our bare root plants. Specifically, bare-root roses.There are roses…
Irene from Chico called, and she said that while she was out pruning in her home orchard, she saw small branches and twigs that have completely died back…
Pest mitigation is an unfortunate part of the practical gardener's responsibilities, but a little prevention goes a long way. Host Pam Geisel gives some…
As we get into September, the rainy season seems so close, yet so far away. Pam Geisel has some advice for working with these ongoing drought conditions…
Host Pam Geisel talks about the rewards that come with the freestone peaches, in peak season right now. It's not always easy, but it's worth it.
Get some tips on how to get a handle on squash bugs, those summertime pests that can overrun the home garden.