With a deadline fast approaching, Butte County Supervisors will consider extending temporary loopholes that allow some Camp Fire survivors more latitude. It’s among a number of issues up for debate this morning.
The loopholes let people essentially camp out on their own property in an RV or camper without utility connections.
County codes otherwise require drinking water, electricity and wastewater connections.
The temporary rule suspension for unincorporated areas within the burn scar expires on the 27th unless extended this morning by a four-fifths majority. Supervisors will be asked to extend the period by an additional six months to July 31st of next year.
Also on the docket; the board will be asked to begin the process of changing the county zoning code to comply with recent, more lenient state rules about so-called accessory dwelling units or ADUs, often called mother-in-law units.
The board will also receive a report on local water resources and previously adopted policies, and consider signing a longshot effort requesting the state of California take over direct management and financial responsibility of In-Home Support Services, a program that provides caregivers to people who might otherwise be institutionalized.
Finally, the board will mark the retirement of Tim Snellings, director of development services who has been with the county for 14 years.