In Rural California, Some Students Resort To Distance Learning In Parking Lots Near WiFi ConnectionsThe day Greenville Junior/Senior High School switched to distance learning, no students were in the classroom. They’d been off for three snow days, which…
Downtown Downieville in Sierra County is usually packed with tourists in the middle of the summer. But the town is quiet this July, and so are the…
Rugged Roots Farm sits just off Route 70 in Plumas County a few minutes past downtown Quincy. The first thing you see when you drive up is an old, buzzing…
Imagine wave after wave of complete strangers pulling up next to your town’s pristine river to unload their camping gear and then settle right in. Even…
TyAnna Farmer had her outfit ready for the High Sierra Music Festival this year. Sparkles, glitter, glow sticks, and fishnets. “All the festival works,”…
Rural Plumas County has seen very few COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. As of Tuesday, only six cases had been confirmed…
When you drive into Sierra County, a bright yellow sign blares in all caps, “VISITORS, KINDLY DISTANCE FROM OUR COMMUNITIES." A one-lane bridge crosses…
On May 13, Plumas County received clearance from the state to move further into Stage Two of reopening the local economy. The rural county has confirmed…