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The general election is on Nov. 5. Here’s what North State residents need to know.


Oct. 7 - Deadline for ballots to start getting mailed to every California voter, early voting sites open.

Oct. 21 - Last day to register to vote – either online or by mail. Same-day registration begins Oct. 22.

Nov. 5 - Polls are open, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Also, the last day to vote by mail.

Your ballot 

What’s on it? | Where is it? 

Statewide propositions

Prop 2 School bond | Prop 3 Same-sex marriage | Prop 4 Climate bond | Prop 5 Voting threshold | Prop 6 Involuntary servitude | Prop 32 Minimum wage | Prop 33 Local rent control | Prop 34 Patient spending | Prop 35 Health care tax | Prop 36 Criminal penalties

Statewide races 

U.S. Senate | U.S. House | State Senate | State Assembly | Find your district 

Voting FAQ 

How to vote | Registering to vote | Help with voting | Special circumstances | Ballot issues

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*We’ll have live local and state election results on Nov. 5, 2024 

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