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This April, North State Public Radio celebrates 50 years of informing and enriching the Northern California area. For the last five decades, NSPR has provided news, information and cultural programming of the highest quality to serve our community. Please celebrate this joyous occasion with us. Many voices have been carried over these airwaves during the last five decades -- and we'll be planning to celebrate them all. To help, we're asking for you to give us a call and leave a message highlighting your favorite hosts and programs. The number is 715-0233. And if you really want to share in the festivities, on Saturday, April 20 NSPR will have a party full of food, live music and tours of the station. We hope to see you there.

Spring Drive 2019 Is Underway

Our Spring fundraiser starts today! Your contribution right now helps ensure the future of NSPR. We pride ourselves on providing fact-based journalism and inspiring storytelling. Please consider pledging your support today. 

Make a difference at when you click donate.

Thank you for being a listener and supporter of NSPR, your public radio station.