Thursday, Dec. 7
1-2 PM: A Chanukah Celebration with Chicago a capella
The virtuoso vocal ensemble, now in its 23rd season, provides a liturgical and cultural background as part of a unique look inside old and newer choral Chanukah traditions.
Friday, Dec. 8
1-2 PM: Itzhak Perlman’s Chanukah Radio Party
Join the superstar violinist as he tells the story of the Jewish festival of lights, and shares his favorite recordings for the holiday – some serious, some silly.
Monday, Dec. 11
1-2 PM: Medieval Christmas
Explore Christmas music of another age – the medieval! Hear music from the Tallis Scholars, the Boston Camerata, and more.
Tuesday, Dec. 12
1-2 PM: Wind and Rhythm: Dashing Through the Snow
Get into the holiday spirit, with songs “Winter Wonderland”, “Let it Snow!” and more.
Wednesday, Dec. 13
1-2 PM: Montserrat Boys Choir
The choir of the Benedictine Abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat use music to transcend borders and speak directly to your heart.
Thursday, Dec. 14
1-2 PM: The Film Score: Music for Winter Holidays
Hosted by Chicago Tribune film critic Michael Phillips, The Film Score presents music from holiday favorites and other wintry classics.
Friday, Dec. 15
1-2 PM: Candles Burning Brightly
Music from Jewish communities worldwide, a hilarious lesson on preparing a classic Hanukkah dish, and a timeless and touching holiday story that brings light into every home.
Monday, Dec. 18
1-2 PM: Ballad of the Brown King
With a libretto by Langston Hughes, the cantata The Ballad of the Brown King has been a Christmas favorite in African-American communities for generations.
9-10 PM: Wynton Marsalis’ Swingin’ Holiday Party
An hour of holiday jazz favorites by Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Gregory Porter, René Marie, and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra.
Tuesday, Dec. 19
1-2 PM: All Is Bright
An hour of gorgeous, contemplative choral music that tells the traditional Christmas story with songs about angels, the star, and the manger scene.
9-10 PM: Holiday Jazz with Dee Alexander
The beloved Chicago vocalist entertains and enchants with songs and reminiscences of holidays past.
Wednesday, Dec. 20
1-2 PM: This is Christmas with The Imani Winds
On This Christmas with Imani Winds, hear stories behind the songs chosen for the album and how it all came together.
9-10 PM: Big Band Christmas with Avery Jeffrey
The CapRadio Jazz Host plays a selection of Big Band classics to brighten up the Holiday season.
Thursday, Dec. 21
1-2 PM: A Winter’s Solstice
Modern classical sounds for the longest night of the year, chosen especially to compliment the chilly, starry nights of the season.
9-10 PM: NPR’s Jazz Piano Christmas
Check out your favorite holiday classics as you’ve never heard them played by some of the best jazz pianist in the world.
Friday, Dec. 22
1-2 PM: Chanticleer Christmas
This program of holiday favorites, new and old, live in concert by Chanticleer, the superb 12-man ensemble known as "an orchestra of voices."
9-10 PM: Jazz Night in America
Holiday classics featuring fresh arrangements and entertaining storytelling, featuring the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra plus special guest vocalists.
Saturday, Dec. 23
12-1 PM: Thistle and Shamrock: Celtic Tradition
A holiday special from Fiona Ritchie’s long-running music show, highlighting the best of Scottish and Irish folk music.
1-2 PM: Marc O’Connor’s Appalachian Christmas
Mark O’Connor, bluegrass fiddler and respected American composer leads the O’Connor Band and special guest Nancy Ives, principal cellist of the Oregon Symphony.
2-4 PM: St. Olaf Christmas
Started in 1912, the festival includes hymns, carols, choral works, and orchestral selections celebrating the Nativity.
Sunday, Dec. 24
10-Noon: Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
A service of Biblical readings, carols, and related seasonal Classical music from the 500-year-old Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, England.
Noon-2 PM: Sunday Baroque Christmas
A sparkling playlist featuring beloved Christmas carols that date back to the baroque era and earlier, joyful Christmas Concertos, and music inspired by the arrival of the Winter Solstice.
2-4 PM: Christmas Revels: In Celebration of the Winter Solstice
A musical celebration of the Winter holidays – Advent, Chanukah, the Solstice, Christmas, Dongzhi, New Year’s, and Twelfth Night/Epiphany.
5-7 PM: Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
7-9 PM: Sunday Baroque Christmas
9-10 PM: Big Band Christmas with Avery Jeffrey
Monday, Dec. 25
9-10 AM: Welcome Christmas
It’s an hour of joyful, classic holiday music from VocalEssence, one of the world’s premiere choral groups, singing traditional carols and new discoveries.
10-11 AM: Chanticleer Christmas
11AM-Noon: Thistle and Shamrock
Noon-1 PM: Appalachian Christmas
1-3 PM: St. Olaf Christmas
3-4 PM: All Is Bright
6-7 PM: Welcome Christmas
7-8 PM: Wind and Rhythm
8-9 PM: The Film Score
9-10 PM: Swingin’ Holiday Party
10-11 PM: NPR’s Jazz Piano
12P-Mid: Jazz Night in America
Tuesday, Dec. 26
1-2 PM: Sounds of Kwanzaa with Garrett McQueen
The history of Kwanzaa and its guiding principles, alongside musical selections that highlight the spirit of the celebration.
Sunday, Dec. 30
8 PM-Mid Toast of the Nation
An NPR tradition every New Year's Eve since the 1970s, An audio complement for the occasion. It's festive jazz you can party to, all night long.
Monday, Jan. 1
8-10 AM: New Year’s Day from Vienna
The Vienna Philharmonic presents its ever-popular New Year’s Day concert from the Golden Hall of Vienna’s Musikverein. It’s a great way to start the New Year.