Fire behavior is complicated, but can often be predicted. On the third episode of California Burning, we dive into the science of fire by visiting a wildland fire lab and a sustainable timber operation. We also hear from firefighters, forest rangers, and the “Helltown Hotshots” who risked it all to save their town during the Camp Fire.
"This is happening on our watch and you know, we're going to be judged by what we do in the next 10 or 20 years and we just have to acknowledge that these forests cannot be maintained in a static condition." —Chris Chase
Featuring fire geographer, Zeke Lunder; Humboldt State Professor of Fire Ecology and Fuels Managment, Jeff Kane; "Helltown Hotshots," Dharma LaRocca, Jeb Sisk and "Sam"; Cal Fire retired Battalion Chief, Hugh Scanlon; Host of NSPR's "Blue Dot," Dave Schlom; Randi Paris, Kevin Osborne, Dan Osterman and Carol Underhill of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest; Michigan-California Timber Company manager, Chris Chase.
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