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Common Ground for Common Good: Council On Student Wellness & Safety

Photo used courtesy of the NVCF

The Council on Student Wellness and Safety Fund is under the umbrella of the North Valley Community Foundation and has the goal of taking a proactive approach in addressing wellness and safety issues in Chico-area high schools. 

The organization currently has seven campus ambassadors that represents the high schools of Chico, Fairview, Inspire and Pleasant Valley. Their role this year was to get information from their peers about the wellness and safety issues students would like to see addressed on their campuses. The main issue the senates have identified is a need for more mental health services and support for students. 

The students have talked a lot about the pressure of high school and anxiety that goes with being a teenager. Next year, the campus ambassadors will be developing strategies and activities to help students deal with stress and anxiety. 

Ken came to NSPR through the back door as a volunteer, doing all the things that volunteers do. Almost nothing – nothing -- in his previous work experience suggests that he would ever be on public radio.