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Meet James Bishop for Chico’s school board Trustee Area 2 | It’s bat week | Three voter assistance centers open in Butte County

The latest North State and California news on our airwaves for Tuesday, October 29.

In today’s episode: 

  • Meet James Bishop for Chico’s school board Trustee Area 2 — Ken Devol, NSPR
  • It's bat week — celebrate by learning about the North State' native species — Alec Stutson, NSPR
  • Three voter assistance centers across Butte County now open — Anthony Vasek, NSPR
  • City of Chico looking for members to serve on various commissions — Anthony Vasek, NSPR


The building Safe Safe proposed as its new intake center on Oct. 21, 2024 in Chico, CA.
Alec Stutson
The nonprofit Safe Space had identified a potential new location for its intake and cooling center, but city officials say they'll need to go through a lengthy application process. Now, Safe Space is requesting the process to be expedited.

In case you missed it:

Headlines is published every weekday morning at 8:30 a.m. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and NPR One. Theme song Borough is courtesy of  Blue Dot Sessions.

Sarah has worked at North State Public Radio since 2015 and is currently the station’s Director of Operations. She’s responsible for the sound of the station and works to create the richest public radio experience possible for NSPR listeners.
Alec Stutson grew up in Colorado and graduated from the University of Missouri with degrees in Radio Journalism, 20th/21st Century Literature, and a minor in Film Studies. He is a huge podcast junkie, as well as a movie nerd and musician.
Anthony started his student internship with NSPR in October 2024. He is a freshman at Chico State University pursuing a Bachelor's degree in journalism.