The latest North State and California news on our airwaves for Tuesday, October 29.
In today’s episode:
- Meet James Bishop for Chico’s school board Trustee Area 2 — Ken Devol, NSPR
- It's bat week — celebrate by learning about the North State' native species — Alec Stutson, NSPR
- Three voter assistance centers across Butte County now open — Anthony Vasek, NSPR
- City of Chico looking for members to serve on various commissions — Anthony Vasek, NSPR
The nonprofit Safe Space had identified a potential new location for its intake and cooling center, but city officials say they'll need to go through a lengthy application process. Now, Safe Space is requesting the process to be expedited.
In case you missed it:
- Meet Gayle Olsen for Chico’s school board Trustee Area 2 — NSPR
- Chico council approves free holiday parking — NSPR
- Forest Service hosts paid training program for women interested in wildfire fighting — NSPR
- Federal, state partnership to enhance flood protection from Chico to Sacramento — NSPR
- If you haven’t registered to vote, you can still cast a ballot in the November election — NSPR
- Right-wing activists in Shasta County are again agitating for changes to voting rules — NSPR
Headlines is published every weekday morning at 8:30 a.m. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and NPR One. Theme song Borough is courtesy of Blue Dot Sessions.