Arson arrests have been on the rise over the last decade. Butte County officials say that's due to better investigations aided by surveillance cameras.
Do you have a go bag packed? Share what’s in it using our go bag survey, or contact NSPR's Jamie Jiang at jamie.jiang@mynspr.org.
With rain returning this week, North State residents might be enjoying a brief respite from thinking about wildfires. But CalFire is warning North State residents to be prepared.
CalFire officials say fire seasons are a thing of the past: we now have fire years. Also, extreme weather will get more expensive to recover from as climate change increases, plus a survey shows football is the most popular sport for high school boys in many North State counties.
Gov. Gavin Newsom delivered his annual State of the State speech in person Tuesday night for the first time in two years. Also, Cal Fire says Friday's Flanagan Fire in Shasta County happened due to a change in the weather after a burn pile was initially lit during safe conditions, and the creation of a public safety complex south of Chico was considered by the Butte County Board of Supervisors.
Unusually dry weather is raising the fire risk in the Sacramento Valley. Also, the ADL says a white supremacist group is behind antisemitic flyers distributed in Chico, and a bill would require COVID-19 vaccinations for California workers.
The Dixie Fire grew to be the second-largest fire in state history, burning over 960,000 acres and destroying over 1,300 structures. It's the latest in a string of devastating wildfires allegedly caused by the utility's equipment.
The fire hazard severity maps show which areas are most vulnerable to wildfire in California and were last updated in 2007.
Porter steered Cal Fire through record-setting wildfire seasons driven by decades of poor forest management and climate change.
Higher taxes, longer response times or lower wages. That’s the essence of the choices facing Butte County residents as officials weigh a reorganization of…