Update 6/8/16 6:46 a.m.
Measure E passes with 72 percent voter approval.
Originally posted 6/7/16
Butte County’s Measure E would ban hydraulic fracturing and the disposal of fracking waste in the county.
The fracking process typically uses pressurized water to blast and break shale, freeing trapped natural gas. The risks aren’t fully understood, but the Environmental Protection Agency identifies potential groundwater contamination and adverse impacts from fracking wastewater disposal.
Because of its geology, Butte County hasn’t been a big target for fracking. Frack-Free Butte County Spokesman Jake Davis says because of the potential consequences, it’s better to nip it in the bud.
“If it does get established, it’s much harder to stop something that’s already started,” Davis said.
A “yes” vote effectively bans fracking in Butte County. A “no” vote would leave the regulation of fracking up to the state.