In honor of the season of gratitude, festivities, long nights, rest, and reflection upon us, this week we revisit a BEST OF conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer, Indigenous scholar, professor, land and culture tender, MacArthur Genius Grant award winner, mother, and all around wonderful human.

She is also a gardener. Her book, Braiding Sweetgrass (Milkweed Editions) is something of a philosophical north star for many of us, and this week Dr. Kimmerer's newest book The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World is out from Scribner press.
As always with Robin's work, The Serviceberry is perhaps exactly what we collectively need at this exact moment. Its dedication reminds us that ALL FLOURISHING IS MUTUAL.
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We can't thank you enough for making it possible for this young program to grow even more of these types of conversations.
The show is available as a podcast on SoundCloud and iTunes. To read more and for many more photos, please visit