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EdSource reporter interview | Minimum wage bump | Increased abortion access

The latest North State and California news on our airwaves for Tuesday, Dec. 27.

Interview: EdSource investigative reporter Thomas Peele

The fallout continues at Chico State following an investigative report by the news nonprofit EdSource, which has been reporting on the university’s handling of a case involving a professor accused of having a consensual affair with a graduate student and allegedly threatening colleagues who complained. The professor has denied the allegations. Listen to an interview with EdSource investigative reporter Thomas Peele, who broke the story, in today’s Headlines.

— Alec Stutson, NSPR

Pay bump set for minimum-wage workers in 2023

Minimum-wage workers in California will get a small pay increase in 2023. California’s minimum wage has been increasing by about $1 every year since 2017. The goal was to get to a $15 per hour minimum wage for small and large employers by 2023. But a provision of that law passed in 2016 also dictates the minimum wage must be adjusted for inflation.

— CapRadio Staff

California law aims to increase access to abortions

A new law to take effect in 2023 will make it easier for qualified nurses in California to perform first-trimester abortions without a doctor’s supervision. Access to the procedure is uneven, with most clinics concentrated in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.

— CapRadio Staff

Stormy weather expected in the North State this week

Rain is forecast throughout the North State today, followed by snow in the Sierra Nevada and other mountain ranges, according to The Associated Press. The National Weather Service expects the weather-pattern change “will bring multiple rounds of rain and snow through the week and the weekend.”

— Andre Byik, NSPR

Stories from NPR partner stations are edited by NSPR Staff for digital presentation and credited as requested.

In case you missed it

Headlines is published every weekday morning at 8:30 a.m. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and NPR One. Theme song Borough is courtesy ofBlue Dot Sessions.

A graduate of California State University, Chico, Andre Byik is an award-winning journalist who has reported in Northern California since 2012. He joined North State Public Radio in 2020, following roles at the Chico Enterprise-Record and Chico News & Review.
Angel Huracha has been a part of the journalism field since 2006 and has covered a range of topics. He is a graduate of Chico State with a Bachelor's degree in news-editorial and public relations with a minor in English.
Adia White is a broadcast journalist and producer with nearly 10 years of experience. Her work has appeared on WNYC, This American Life, Capital Public Radio and other local and national programs. She started at North State Public Radio as a freelance reporter in 2017 before leaving for a stint at Northern California Public Media in Santa Rosa.
Alec Stutson grew up in Colorado and graduated from the University of Missouri with degrees in Radio Journalism, 20th/21st Century Literature, and a minor in Film Studies. He is a huge podcast junkie, as well as a movie nerd and musician.