The latest North State and California news on our airwaves for Tuesday, May 28.
In today’s episode:
- Butte supervisors to discuss new master plan for the waste, recycling facility — Erik Adams, NSPR
- Karuk Tribe holds dugout canoe workshop — Ken Devol, NSPR
- Rivers cold, swift due to snowmelt — Adia White, NSPR
- California could require proof of age to access porn sites — Ryan Sabalow, CalMatters
PATH Plaza, the first and only homeless shelter in Tehama County, has officially opened its doors. But with more than 200 unsheltered people in the county, advocates say it's not enough to fully address homelessness in the area.
In case you missed it:
- Shasta County repeals ordinance charging hefty fees for public records requests — NSPR
- Flamin’ Hot Cheetos ban in schools closer to reality — NSPR
- Redding Record Searchlight to be delivered by postal service — NSPR
- The onus of homeless aid in Red Bluff falls on the community — NSPR
- A bill to provide tax relief for wildfire victims advances — NSPR
- Chronic wasting disease detected for first time in California deer — NSPR
- Shasta supervisors vote to fund revenue-guarantee for United Airlines — NSPR
- Butte County investigating Shigella outbreak in Oroville — CapRadio
Headlines is published every weekday morning at 8:30 a.m. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and NPR One. Theme song Borough is courtesy of Blue Dot Sessions.