It's been two years since the catastrophic Camp Fire ripped through Paradise, Magalia, Concow, and surrounding communities. In this special report, we…
In this episode of “After Paradise,” we commemorate the year anniversary of the Camp Fire by focusing on where we are now, 365 days after the fire. We’ll…
Tonight on “After Paradise” it’s been 6 months since the Camp Fire started. This week, North State Public Radio commemorates the anniversary with a…
RVs, mother-in-law units, couches, spare rooms — six months after the Camp Fire those who were displaced are still scrambling for housing, living wherever…
The deadly wildfire that tore through Paradise six months ago is in the distant past to most of us. But thousands of people displaced by the Camp Fire are…
Thousands of people fled the Ridge November 8, 2018. In one day the population of the neighboring City of Chico exploded. In terms of shelter, Chico was…
Paradise Mayor Jody Jones became one of the most visible faces after the fire as a spokeswoman for her town. She and her husband lost their home on Nighty…
Back in the gold rush area, a fifty-four pound gold nugget was found in a small community on the ridge. It was named after the town where it was found and…
Six months since the Camp Fire struck, officials in Butte County told KQED's Michelle Wiley that some students are experiencing the same mental health…
This week we get our regular update from government officials and they also answer your questions about debris removal, rebuilding and housing. Earlier…