Host Dave Schlom is joined by two members of the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California to discuss one of the most important issues for the Golden State: water!
There have been reported sightings of ICE agents across the North State on social media. But local organizations and law enforcement agencies report most are likely false alarms. Also, Chico State President Steve Perez sent a message to the campus community last week in response to worries about the school’s fiscal situation amid a freeze on federal funding, and the second manual snow survey of the season measured 22 inches of snow depth, only 46 percent of average for the location near Echo Summit.
President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Sunday that directs federal agencies to find ways to override decisions made by California water managers. Also, many areas of Upper Park that have been closed since the Park Fire will reopen soon when crews finish removing dead and hazardous trees, and a strain known as H5N9 was found in a duck farm in Merced County. The novel virus was found alongside the more common H5N1 variant.
In a contentious vote, landowners in the newly formed Tuscan Water District have approved an assessment fee to fund the district’s operations.
Host Dave Schlom and Producer Matt Fidler explore some hopeful restoration work being done to improve salmonid habitat on the Sacramento River in Northern California.
The Tuscan Water District was established to try to preserve groundwater resources for local agricultural landowners. But there is concern with how the district plans to engage in an experimental recharge strategy, which some say could harm small farmers and trees in Chico and Butte County.
Host Dave Schlom is joined by Dr. Bethany Ehlmann, Director of Caltech's Keck Institute for Space Studies and Principal Investigator for the upcoming Lunar Trailblazer mission.
The measures are substantially weaker than a previous proposal after an onslaught of criticism. But they will still save enough water through 2050 to supply the state’s entire population for a year, at a cost of $4.7 billion.
The centerpiece of California’s water wars pits Gov. Newsom against local communities and environmentalists. A new report says the benefits of the tunnel exceed the cost since other water supplies would cost more.
Host Dave Schlom visits with guests from River Partners, a conservation organization born of a vision of farmers with conservation interests who sought more of a cooperative rather than confrontational approach to watershed restoration projects.