After leaving Chico for two decades, the comedian DNA is back in town and teaching comedy at the Blue Room Theatre. Also, Gov. Gavin Newsom yesterday announced a new initiative to push local jurisdictions to meet performance goals to reduce homelessness, and the Butte County Board of Supervisors approved a budget adjustment of more than $800,000 to help recovery from the Park and Thompson fires.
Governor Gavin Newsom’s program to deliver low-cost insulin is now more than a year behind schedule.
The number of people served by Butte County’s sobering center has increased since it opened in August. Also, California homeowners will have new requirements for hardening their home against fire, and Pleasant Valley High School in Chico has won the 2025 Butte County Academic Decathlon, ending Las Plumas High School's five-year winning streak.
The 2025 state budget is projected to be the second biggest in state history. It’s largely balanced, with a moderate surplus and funds in reserve.
San Francisco Democrat Scott Wiener says California could leave the door open to the incoming Republican-led Congress making major changes to the constitution if it doesn’t act.
Representatives from California State Parks said the cause of fire that destroyed Bidwell Mansion last week is arson. They’re still searching for a suspect and are asking members of the public to share any information. Also, local and Republican state officials are criticizing Newsom’s visit to Redding. Plus, if you’re concerned about a young person’s mental health in Butte County, there’s a team that can help. More about the county’s Community, Assessment, Response and Education (CARE) Team.
The plan would create pathways to receive college credit for experience gained outside of a classroom, such as military service or other job training.
Chico is mourning the loss of Bidwell Mansion after it was destroyed in a fire early Wednesday morning. Also, Governor Gavin Newsom is touring the state to showcase his California Jobs First plan. One of his stops was a ranch in Colusa County. And a Chico cakery is closing its brick-and-mortar location doors due to high business costs.
November is Native American Heritage Month, a time to reflect upon the struggles, resilience, and triumphs of First Americans.
As a gasoline reserve bill faces a final vote today, labor advocates say the bill’s safety measures don’t go far enough.